The Class of 2014: YA Superlative Blogfest (hosted by Jessica Love, Tracey Neithercott, Alison Miller, and Katy Upperman) runs Monday, December 15th through Thursday, December 18th and will highlight favorite books published in 2014 using a variety of fun superlative categories. See the host's pages for the categories of each day and to join the link-up!
My 2014 Reads This Year:
We Were Liars, Independent Study, Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Unmade, Brown Girl Dreaming, Conversion, One, Two, Three, Everything Leads to You, Push Girl, Far From You, Don't Even Think About It, The Impossible Knife of Memory, Isla and the Happily Ever After, Control, A Death-Struck Year, The One
Best in Show, Thursday, December 18th
Favorite Cover

So I think Control was my winner last year, even though the book hadn't been published yet when we did this. But of the rest of them--I do love One, Two, Three but I may be biased because I saw that coming together. I also love the dreaminess of Everything Leads to You.
Cutest Couple--Emi and Ava, Everything Leads to You. I mean, they aren't a couple per se for most of the book but their relationship is at the center of the story and I really love them together. (I also loved Becca and James from One, Two, Three and (no spoilers) everyone who ended up together in Unmade.
Most Likely to Succeed (Pick a Printz Winner)--Brown Girl Dreaming has already won the National Book Award, and also it's amazing, so this feels a little like cheating. But We Were Liars could definitely make a run at it, too.
Most Likely to Make You Miss Your Bedtime--So many of these books did make me miss my bedtime that it's not even funny. But I think the award has to go to the impeccably plotted, funny, suspenseful, terrifying Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
Best Repeat Performance (Favorite Sequel or Follow-Up)--Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I'm not used to a series lasting four books, and I was a curious about what a third-out-of-four would look like. Apparently, there is no end to the magic Maggie can do: somehow it felt satisfying and also left me dying for the next installment. Maggie managed to keep spooling out bits of plot and even introducing new characters while also continuing to develop the twisty, complicated plot and characters from the first two books. Love.

Favorite Finale or End of Series Novel--Unmade and Isla and the Happily Ever After. Two very, very different endings. But both were completely satisfying and made me cry.
Romance Most Worthy of an Ice Bath--Nata. And. Tonio. (From One, Two, Three.) I mean...Tonio is involved ;)
Best Old-Timer (Favorite Book Published BEFORE 2014)--Charm and Strange by Stephanie Kuehn and Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson. Two very different and totally unputdownable books.

Favorite Outlier (Best 2014 Picture Book, MG, NA, or Adult Novel)--Picture book: The Jacket by Kirsten Hall, illustrated by Dasha Tolstikova. I've been paying attention to picture books for the last few years because I became a step-aunt when my mom remarried and it's so much fun to hunt down new books for my little niece and nephew. This one is a sweet, funny story that reminds me of Corduroy...if Corduroy himself was a book. MG: When Audrey Met Alice by Rebecca Behrens. I loved this glimpse of feisty, kick-ass first daughter Alice Roosevelt through the eyes of a more modern (fictional) first daughter. And I'm going to add one--Comic Book: Hawkeye by Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Annie Wu. I've started getting into comics this year, entirely because of the humor, heart, and weirdness of this run of books. (It helps that there are two Hawkeyes, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop--apparently this is quite a thing with superheroes--and they play off of each other really well. It's one of those great almost-entirely-platonic-but-not-quite things.
Create Your Own Superlative: What is the 2014 release you are most excited to read after participating in this blogfest???
(My list: I'll Give You The Sun, Complicit, Panic, Let's Get Lost, The Winner's Curse)