Wednesday, July 11, 2012

RTW: Book-To-Movie Successes

I totally love this week's Road Trip Wednesday prompt--it's something about which I have very strong feelings.

What movie have you seen that actually (gasp!) improved on the book?

I like how positive they are, so I will try not to spend this entire post loudly complaining about blonde girls playing brunette characters (Shirley Temple and Liesel Matthews, I'm looking at you guys.  Sara Crewe did. not. have. blonde. ringlets.)


Instead, I'll talk about a trend I've noticed--the weirder and more whimsical the book, the more I love the movie.

So, naturally, a few of my favorites are adaptations of Roald Dahl books.

 1) Matilda.  This might be my all-time favorite movie based on a book (depending on whether we're counting Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows as a movie or a miniseries.)  However, like Anne of Green Gables, and also like Little Women (the one with Winona Ryder), I love the book so much that I'm not sure it's right for today's post.  In all three of those cases, I feel like the movie is worthy of the book--but can I say better?  I don't know.

2) Ok, here's one where there was no contest for me as a kid.  The movie is hands down better than the book.  It is also terrifying.  I found the book a little hard to follow and therefore kind of slow-moving.  That said, we're talking about my experience when I was like, six, so I may owe the book another go.  (The movie, on the other hand, has continued to hold up over twenty years of frequent viewing.)

3) My winner today is surprisingly not a Roald Dahl adaptation.  It's an Ian Fleming adaptation.  "Oh," you're thinking, "one of the James Bond movies, huh?  Interesting, interesting--"


It's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

 I tried to read this book as a kid.  I really tried.  I wanted to love it.  But I just couldn't.  BUT THEN.  I must have borrowed the VHS tape from the library, I think--we certainly never owned it--then I discovered the bizarre glory of this movie.  Whistling sweets, a flying car, Dick van Dyke pretending to be a wind-up toy...I can't even.


That's right--Roald Dahl.  So, kid, the moral of today's story is that Roald Dahl is the king of book-to-movie adaptations.  Whatever you're doing on this fine summer afternoon, raise a glass of lemonade or snozzberry juice or whatever to the very pleasantly deranged and dearly departed Mr. Dahl.


  1. What do you think of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with Johnny Depp?

    "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" was a favorite movie of our family growing up. It was one of those movies we would always watch when it came on TV over Christmas. I knew Ian Fleming wrote the original novel, but I've yet to read it. I'm intrigued to. I've heard it's quite different. Is it too different to be fair to compare?

    1. I thought it got at some of the darkness that always lurked in the background of Roald Dahl's books, which I liked...but somehow, I think Burton+Dahl did not result in the awesome new thing I had hoped for. Like, I wanted their respective geniuses to mesh into a power chord, but it was more like playing two notex a half-step apart: they're so close that they clash, somehow. But it had its moments, for sure.

    2. Oh, and my recollection of Chitty...the book is that it is in fact VERY different...but I barely remember it, other than find it weird and a bit dull.

  2. Oh I love Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I never read the book, though. But such a wonderful fun kind of film that you can watch over and over. And I had no idea that Roald Dahl was connected. Very cool!

    1. I had no idea either, until I was writing this post! I was bowled over!

  3. I honestly didn't even know Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was a book first!

    1. I think I must have picked it up for a quarter at a library sale, or something. Now I want to hunt it down and re-read it, just to compare it with my childhood recollections of it.

  4. Willy Wonka - such a great movie. And I loved Chitty, too.

    And Anne of Green Gables.... oh yeah. The best part? My daughter has completely fallen in love with the mini-series, too. :)

    1. Awww, how fun! That series makes me really hope I have a daughter someday (although my guy best friend in middle school was totally in love with Megan Follows in that miniseries, so I guess some guys like it, too!)

  5. I love Roald Dahl and Matilda is one of my favorite movies :D Books to movies adaptation are tough but as you mention there are quite a bit of movies worthy of the books :D


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