Yeah, when I fail, I like to fail big :)
I did have a good vacation, and I did get some writing done...but rather than blazing ahead with this new, exciting version of my story, I got about 6K words in and sputtered out. I might need to do some scene-level planning and see if that helps--and if not, it may be time to trunk this WiP and move on. I have the beginning of something else that has voice but only a basic plot, so I'm not totally throwing in the towel yet.
Oh, and I baked a cake! And followed the people whose cards I got at SCBWI. So it wasn't a total wash.
Also as promised--this morning I finished Shades of Earth, the final book in Beth Revis's awesome sci-fi trilogy. I read the first two last year, so I'll re-share my brief thoughts on those here in addition to what I jotted down today after finishing the final volume.
And finally--if you're like me and have the February Blurghs, head over to Sara Biren's blog for her awesome Winter Writing Retreat!
What I Read This Week:

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After I got past the TERRIFYING beginning (seriously, I had to walk away for a day or two)I got really swept up in this story. Amy's voice, in particular, feels very true--and in a book with a plot this wild and twisty-turny, having a protagonist who can anchor it with some reality is important. That's not to say that the plot doesn't work--in fact, it's very well constructed--but I don't read a ton of science fiction, so it's nice to have a bit of a lifeline. I can't help but compare the plot, in some ways, to The Giver, but it never feels copied or unoriginal. It's like it takes some of the concepts and situations that were most interesting from that book and gives them a whole new context. (And really, so much in The Giver is just waiting to be revisited!) Revis has created a really fascinating world in Across the Universe, and by the end of this book you're left with the feeling that she's just scratched the surface (so isn't it awesome that Book 2 is out? Yes, yes it is.)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ah, the rare (these days) second book I read immediately after the first book! And it did not disappoint. The big reveals are just as satisfying and tightly paced as those in the first book, and the stakes just keep getting higher! I loved the "scavenger hunt" setup--and completely did not anticipate any of the big twists. My only complaint: having to wait for book three!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Once again, Beth Revis shows off her impressive ability to make a book impossible to put down. Especially in the last third of this book, if I knew I was going to have to stop reading, I would stop mid-chapter. Once you get to the end of a chapter, you have to keep going--and because there are two POV characetrs, you have to read two more chapters...and then you have to read another chapter because now you want to find out what happened to the other narrator!
I don't think it's spoiling anything, given the cover and title of this book, to say that I totally loved the new setting. I would have read a trilogy just of this book, I think, if it could have been expanded. (I do think the ending leaves an opening for another book, say about ten years in the future? Or maybe like fifteen years, to give the new generation a chance to become protagonist-ages?)
While this book feels very different from the first two in the series, I found it an exciting and satisfying end to the trilogy.
View all my reviews
I keep forgetting the third one in this trilogy is out already. Your review has renewed my interest in how this story ends!
ReplyDeleteI am getting SO BEHIND on sequels/trilogy endings. This one was really good--definitely worth the investment of time to re-read the others.
DeleteThis books is sitting on my dining room table right this minute. Problem is, I have a stack of AWESOME books to get to, and that's only one of them. Talk about first world problems. I'm really curious to see how she wraps up this trilogy! :)
ReplyDeleteYup! Too many books--the world's greatest problem. I'm totally about to rebel, too, and let a new book cut in line. Every so often you gotta just pick up a contemporary standalone, you know?
DeleteI'm yet another commenter with Shades of Earth on the shelf but not read yet, sadly. I hope to get to it soon though!
ReplyDeleteAlso I think we have different views on productivity, or at least on culinary productivity. If this were my post, it would say something like: GUESS WHAT, EVERYONE? I BAKED A CAKE THIS WEEK! A WHOLE CAKE THAT WAS EDIBLE AND EVERYTHING! SO MUCH ACCOMPLISHMENT! :-P 6K + cake + reading a trilogy = winning in my book, though I do hope your story starts working itself out beyond that 6K, too.
Haha, thanks for the perspective! I guess I did do stuff last week, huh? Woo!
DeleteBlurghs is right! Two snowstorms in as many weeks, freezing winds. OVER IT. Congrats on the cake too. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks :) Somehow, we haven't had a bad winter for snow here in Buffalo, but I'm ready to start going for runs outside, and it's just tough to convince myself that it's worth the wool knee socks, leggings, sweats, and three shirts. Yuck.