Welcome to Day 9 of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge here at Reading on the F Train. Today's topic is I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga!
This is another Cybils finalist that I haven't discussed on the blog:

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I know everyone’s been raving about this one, but I didn’t think it would be for me. A serial killer’s son tries to crack the case of a killer copying his imprisoned dad’s gruesome crimes? Doesn’t really sound like my cup of tea. I’m happy to report that this one was a pleasant surprise--thank you Cybils--and that I am eager to read the next book about Jasper “Jazz” Dent. (Game, out soon!) The narration is perfectly tuned, with some really great turns of phrase: “G. William had a massive, florid nose, the sort of bulbous schnoz usually seen on heavy drinkers, though G. William rarely, if ever, touched booze. His nose was a combination of pure genetics and thirty-five years as a cop, being hit in the face with everything from fists to gun butts to planks of wood.” (p. 15) But when action is going down, it does a great job of getting out of the way. The book is tightly paced and engaging, and I could see many of my students devouring it whole. I got sucked in by Jazz’s anxiety about becoming his father--this is a tough thing to do, to have a character constantly angsting about who he might turn into, but I thought it was handled really well--and I rooted for him wholeheartedly. This book has a satisfying ending, while creating a huge opening for book two. I highly recommend this one for anyone looking for some action and excitement (as long as you’re not put off by gore.)
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I'm not sure that I could read this one. It's difficult to tell from the synopsis how disturbing it could be, so I've steered clear. I don't always handle the whole serial killer thing well. The show Dexter is a prime example of something I couldn't handle. I watched most of an episode and was too creeped out to continue. Just how creepy/disturbing is this one?
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely creepy. There's at least one pretty intense crime scene that has really stuck with me, and there's the ongoing "something awful is happening and we don't know how to make it stop" creep factor.
DeleteI like a fast-paced read, so this sounds like a good one.