Wednesday, November 23, 2011

RTW: Thanks, Books Edition

Well, this is pretty ideal.  Road Trip Wednesday, my favorite part of the week, asks: 

What writing or publishing-related thing(s) are you most thankful for?

Ok, first--I have to talk books.  I meant to do this earlier in the month, when I named The Hunger Games as the book I am most thankful for.  

1) Anne of Green Gables (and the other seven books in the series).  Little Women and Little Men (ugh, not Jo's boys).  A Little Princess. The Giver.  These are the books that I've read more times than I can count and that taught me how to be a person.  

2) Speak, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Looking For Alaska, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, The Hunger Games series, Divergent, Delirium, If I Stay, 13 Reasons Why, The Compound, Uglies and the rest of that series, The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy.  I'm sure I'm forgetting some.  These are the books I've read since I started education grad school and made YA reading a priority.  I wasn't a big reader of YA when I was a young adult--I read children's books for so long that I felt like I had to just jump straight to YA when I left the nest of the children's room at the library.  These books are all over the map, genre-wise, but they all have characters I got to know and many, many of them made me cry.  On the subway.  

3)  Which brings me to the subway:  not technically writing or publishing-related, but it is where I do nearly all my reading.  A 45-minute subway ride (each way!) is tough sometimes but it usually winds up being a highlight of my day.

4)  The blogging community!  I know everyone is saying this but there's a reason for that.  I'm writing so much more regularly now than I ever have before, and I can actually imagine showing my work to people.  Thanks, everyone, for helping me think of myself as a writer.   (And special thanks to RTW, for giving us all such creative topics to blog about every week!)


  1. Thankful for the subway--I'm sure that's not one many others will think of, but I understand your reason. The fact that it gives you 45 mins of unfettered reading time is surely something to be grateful for.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. S!

  2. You're right--most people don't see the subway trip as a luxury, let alone an opportunity. Glad that's worked out for you!

  3. Oh, another commuting writer! :-) I have to say I only see the train as an opportunity every other day (but I am working on the positive attitude and since I can now write in the train, it is much easier). I am though reading much more than before due to extra time so I understand why you´re thankful for it :-)

  4. Love your selections! And call me crazy, but some days I WISH I had 45 minutes of forced reading time--but maybe not on a subway. :)

  5. I'm with Katy -- kind of envious of the 'forced reading time' :) This community of writers and readers really does make it worth it, you're right about that. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I miss commuting a little because of the reading. Ah well. I love the Anne OGG books! Huge fan here.


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